Fence and Deck Wash and Stain

Vinyl Fence and Deck Cleaning
There are two main types of materials that are used to build fences and decks in this area mainly vinyl and wood. Both are treated differently to the method used to clean to not cause damage to either type. Vinyl is used for fencing and railing mainly due to its slick properties more then decking material. As explained in the above video we start with a house wash mix to kill the mold and mildew followed by a stronger mix then a quick rinse to seal the deal. Wood on the other hand is used on fencing, railing, and decking because of its grip when walking on, but needs a different way of cleaning. Depending on the serverity of the mold and mildew on a wood surface we start with a house wash mix to work on killing the green offensive material, followed by a stripper to strip off a thin layer of dead wood pulp, and finish off with a neutralize and brightener to re balance and brighten the wood. This is a 3 step process that takes 2 people with one working in front and behind the person rinsing but this process cleans the wood and opens the fibers so that it is then once dry ready to accept a stain. Wood is a softer material and high pressure can damage very quickly, so we use pressure soft enough that you can run your hand thru the spray without hurting while still cleaning. Watch a demonstration of this below.
Low Pressure Wood Cleaning
Wood Staining
So your wood fence or deck is pretty and clean now what can you do to keep it looking its best and preserve the wood for years to come? It can be stained with a high quality oil penetrating stain to seal the wood and give it a beautiful appearance. Our process of cleaning opens the wood fibers so the oil penetrating stain will go deeper into the deck or fence. We use only bakers grey away as it is the best on the market set up with 2 coats to give full protection and color the first goes deep into the wood and the second rides ontop to give you that color, for these reasons it is the only stain we will put our companies reputation on. You can have us come in and prepare the wood and you purchase a stain of choosing and stain it yourself on the weekend.
Difference in a penetrating stain and a surface stain.
There are a few types of stain and sealers that can be used to perserve your fence or deck. One would be a surface stain that covers and coats the surface to protect it from the elements. The other is a penetrating stain that drives deep into the wood to seal it from moisture and other environmental. contaminates. One as it ages and gets scratches will flake off and have to be re coated and one will be less noticeable when you scratch because the color is below the surface thru the wood.