Gutter Cleanout

What is in those gutters?
Every fall the leaves around a home die and gracefully float to the ground signaling the coming of winter, while we love the beautify of the fall our gutters become filled with the debris. Every spring we get the surge of new growth in plants and trees that can drop catkins all which seems to find its way to our gutters. Shingle dust is the protective coating for the asphalt shingle roofing that either naturally comes off due to wind or damage of some kind that gets flushed into the gutter after a good rain. You can find sticks, nuts, wasp nests and even growing vines in the gutter system. If not cleared out all of this organic debris will rot and become dirt filling the gutter up to where it can not function properly. Let TLC do a gutter cleanout today.
Should you clean those gutters out?
The gutter system on your home has a very important job which is to take all the rain that hits your roof and move it to the downspouts and away from the house. When the gutters or downspouts gets clogged they can not move the water making it overflow either in the front of the gutter and down to the foundation or behind the gutter into the eve system which can eventually cause the wood to rot and need to be replaced. One of the most dangerous jobs that a homeowner can take on is the task of gutter cleanout. You have to climb a ladder once a year or so to dig out or even more dangerous climb on the roof to dig or blow out the collection. Or you can just give TLC a ring and we will come out and check that task right off of your honey do list.