Rust Stain Removal
Brown or Red stains can fall into 3 main catagories. 1. Rust stains. 2. Fertilizer Rust Stains 3. Irrigation and sprinkler rust stains Any of these can show upon concrete, vinyl or stucco while all on different surfaces they all have something in common which is they all come from minerals or iron transferring to the surface thru direct contact over time.
Rust Stains
Rust is a reddish brown coating of iron oxide caused by oxidation when moisture is present around iron or steel. This orange brown color can transfer to vinyl, or concrete over time causing a ugly spot on your home or business. While some of the hardiest stain to remove dangerous hydrofluoric acids or off the shelf chemicals can cause bad burns to the person useing them and damage to the surface it is used. This is why TLC trusts the F9 BARC to safely remove Rust stains with no further damage to your home or business.

Rust on Vinyl
A simple nail used to attach this flower box to a mail box can over time rust and drip rusty water on the bright white vinyl. Several coats of properly mixed BARC made this mailbox look new again.

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